Collection: Vegetables

We go the extra mile to bring you vegetables which are tasty and fresh to create healthy meals for you and your family.

Browse our range of veg which includes floury potatoes for roasting or mashing, crunchy cabbage, sweet butternut squash and leafy green curly kale.

64 products
  • Asparagus
  • Aubergine - individual
  • Baby Corn
  • Beetroot - bunch
  • Beetroot cooked- pack of 4
  • Beetroot raw - pack of 3-5
  • Broccoli per head
  • Broccoli tenderstem
  • Butternut squash
  • Cabbage chinese
  • Cabbage Large red
  • Cabbage Large white
  • Cabbage red - half
  • Cabbage savoy
  • Cabbage Sweetheart
  • Cabbage white - half
  • Carrots bag 1.3-1.5kg
  • Carrots english 500g
  • Carrots on a bunch
  • Cauliflower Large
  • Celeriac
  • Chillies green - 180g
  • Chillies Long Red - 250g
  • Courgette large
  • Fennel
  • Fresh ginger - 100g
  • Garlic bulb
  • Garlic net - 400g
  • Garlic, peeled - pack
  • Kale cavolo Nero 250g
  • kale curly - 250g
  • Leeks 500g
  • Mangetout 125g
  • Mooli
  • Mushroom button - 500g
  • Mushroom cup 500g
  • Mushroom large field
  • Mushrooms Portabello
  • Mushrooms Wild 500g
  • Okra - 180 bag
  • Onions red - 1.3kg
  • Onions Red 500g
  • Onions white - 1.3kg
  • Onions white 500g
  • Pak choi
  • Parsnips 500g
  • Potatoes Cyprus - 1.3kg
  • Potatoes jackets x3
  • Potatoes salad washed 700g
  • Potatoes sweet orange- 500g